mkdocs for product documentation

start with installation

We can either use existing python virtual environment or create a new one for this exercise

using pip

pip install mkdocstrings

with conda

conda install -c conda-forge mkdocstrings

Theme installation

pip install mkdocs-material

For detail usage of theme with mkdocs refer this link

Once all the installation is done in the virtual environment

start with following steps:

Quick usage

# mkdocs.yml
  name: "material"

- search
- mkdocstrings

Within the docs folder create markdown file and following

# Reference

::: my_library.my_module.my_class

After you have added the class or function name in the markdown file run the following command from terminal to see it in action.

mkdocs serve- open the browser and type http://localhost:8000 url to see the documentation in action.
mkdocs build - to generate the static html site source code
mkdocs help - to get help on mkdocs

We are majorly using combination of these 3 packages


mkdocs website
mkdocstrings usage guide